best way to connect pc to dac

I currently stream TIDAL from a windows laptop that is connected to a Brooklyn DAC with an entry level Kimber USB cable then to my preamp with Kimber Heros.

Are there better solutions? I only have USB ports on my laptop. 

thanks for your knowledge...
Steve N., are you saying that the "noise" carried by the USB cable corrupts the bits that the "receiving system" decodes, or are you saying the noise enters in to the "Receiving system", bypasses the decoding function (because the USB interface only accepts bits), and then rejoins the signal at some point and ultimately corrupts the analog signal being output?  If the latter, doesn't any "receiving system" fall prey to this pitfall from any media source?

Jitter is the variability in the timing of the presentation of each new data bit or word as presented to the D/A circuit/chip for conversion. These bits/words ideally are presented to the D/A at precise time intervals depending on the sample-rate of the data stream. These time intervals are all equal over a long period of time, but from one to the next, these intervals vary. They are only precise over a long period such as seconds. The more the time intervals vary, the more distortion is introduced into the D/A conversion. This is jitter. Just like errors in the voltage can introduce distortion, short-term errors in the timing can introduce distortion.

D/A conversion comprises several actions:

1) a voltage is generated based on a data word

2) a timing of the presentation of that voltage is reproduced

3) filtering of the "stairsteps’ in time that result

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

Steve N., are you saying that the "noise" carried by the USB cable corrupts the bits that the "receiving system" decodes, or are you saying the noise enters in to the "Receiving system", bypasses the decoding function (because the USB interface only accepts bits), and then rejoins the signal at some point and ultimately corrupts the analog signal being output? If the latter, doesn't any "receiving system" fall prey to this pitfall from any media source?

No corruption of bits occurs.  The noise that is induced on the receiving system results in noise on power supplies and ground planes, which changes the timing of the logic, resulting in distortion in the D/A conversion.

Steve N.

Empirical Audio

@audioengr , Steve thanks for the informative posts. I used to think it was just X’s and O’s also , but it’s not . It’s actually complex as you’ve shown . Your comments are very informative and extremely POLITE. I’ve parused your website and it’s obvious what you’re capable of doing . As a budget driven mid-fi, I’m extremly grateful that you threw out the affordable DIY stuff . It’s refreshing to see promotion of this wonderful hobby on a multi level / multi price platform . Thank you for schooling me . Also thanks to the other people in this thread . I’m running a Windows PC via a Cardas Usb to a Schiit Yiggy . I know there’s plenty of room for improvement . I just ordered a USB Disruptor . Next I will build a “ Kit” and then I will seriously consider your products . By the time I get to your house , I’ll have spent minimal money , but have learned plenty . From what I’ve heard , yours will be a greater improvement. But the $300 I spend on two projects first , will be a cheap education tool . Regards , Mike B.