Better SACD player than Oppo 205

I may be looking to add a SACD player to my system after so many years without one. Big Oppo fan, but it does not make sense to pay the exorbitant prices folks charge for the UDP 205 in the Internet. Plus, I need it in Silver color.

So.... anything good out there in the ~1,000 - $1,500 price range? From current product lines please (preferably)
The Oppo 205 is pretty decent CD/SACD player especially considering its original retail price of $1300. It would be hard pressed to find a better SACD player than the Oppo 205 for around $1000 to $1500 price range unless perhaps you’d willing to look for a slightly used player.
The Oppo 205 is probably one of the best sounding SACD player for $1000 to $1500 price range. The Oppo 205 has been improved over the 105 and sounded better than the 105.
Are you down for a used 2nd hand player or does it have to be brand new?

The Marantz Reference series SA-14S1 dedicated standalone CD/SACD player currently retails for $2500 new and you will be able to get a used one for $1500 or less but only if you can find a used one out there. Not sure if this will be a step up sonically from the Oppo 205 and how much better it will be if it’s any better than the Oppo 205. The Marantz will prob have a different sound than the Oppo 205. Personally I haven’t heard the SA-14S1 but I have heard the Marantz SA-10 CD/SACD player and it was very good and is a step up sonically from the Oppo 205 for sure, but the SA-10 retails for $7k new and is Marantz’s flagship CD/SACD player within its reference series.

Thanks @caphill @caphill Open to used, but a bit wary on the condition of transport mechanisms as they tend to fail quick
The Marantz SA-14S1 reference series CD/SACD player is a current model player from Marantz Reference series and you should be able to get a used one for $1500 or less only if you can find a used one out there. This player currently retails for $2500. But not sure if the SA-14S1 will be better than the Oppo 205. The Marantz will probably have different sound than the Oppo 205.
See my additional comments above.
Thanks again @caphill 

I forgot to mention I would need a player with Balanced XLR outputs. Yes I know. I am obsessed. And Silver color
Thanks again @caphill 

I forgot to mention I would need a player with Balanced XLR outputs. Yes I know. I am obsessed. And Silver color