Better when it rains?

I am noticing my tube system sounds especially wonderful when it is raining outside. Is this my imagination??
I must say that here in Montreal the sound improve greatly because of the dampening of the snow outside you could really hear the difference almost like a line conditioner. So i like to listen to my system while there is a huge snow fall outsideĀ…..
I suspect most folks would actually find the sound considerable better when a high pressure system (sunny and clear) is present and considerably worse when a low pressure system (stormy) is present. Depending on time of day, of course. :-)
I remember several years ago my system sounding unusually bland and undynamic after a prolonged drought. I suspected the electrical ground had deteriorated due to the dessicated soil's lower conductivity.

When the weather finally broke and the ground got a good drenching, the sytem came back to life.

Now, when I water the lawn and flower beds I also water my ground stakes. The neighbors think I'm nuts.
I've noticed the same thing. Perhaps the additional humidity affects the material in speaker diaphragms in a pleasing way?
great idea of white noise generator.
humidity notes are also very big factor especially for vinyl playback will be beneficial.