Beware of new material claims - the case of graphene

Given that graphene is quite the in vogue material for audio applications I wonder how many (if any) of the vendors selling this are actually sourcing the real thing?

Weaponize graphene? In the high end audio industry? *Vigorously Scratching Head!*


Sorry, I got a little carried away. I must have been thinking of the Black Goo in Prometheus the engineers figured out how to weaponize. 👻
@ geoffkait
That was an interesting and impressive video. Samsung is developing  the use of graphene to produce a rapid charge battery. Utilizing graphene as a micro coating on a chip or in a battery is expensive, extensive, processes but is showing great promise in the production of some incredible products.
Although labs are developing processes to curl mono-atomic (2D) graphene sheets, into micro 3D spheres and strands, also shows great promise, companies producing tons of stuff they claim to be graphene powder, to be used to add a bit of magic to everything from condoms to hair spray - leaves me more than a little skeptical.....Jim
"Don't Drink the Graphene!"

Wonderful.....reminds me of a sci-fi novel whereas the trap of a one-molecule strand across a doorway would slice one in half.  The unlucky mortal who blundered into it wouldn't realize the damage until they bent over, or did a sudden movement...

*thump* "Ouch..." *void*....
"Don't Drink the Graphene!" 
"one-molecule strand across a doorway would slice one in half"

WOW! You just gave them two wonderful, or not so wonderful, new  ideas for the use of Graphene:
A Powdered Graphene Supplement to mix with ones breakfast drink and Invisable Killer Thread.
I think you're on to something......Jim