Beware the audio guru

There are a few contributors to these forums who apparently see themselves as gurus. They speak in absolutes, using words such as "always" and "never." They make pronouncements about products or techniques they’ve never heard or experienced, justifying their conclusions because contrary claims are "impossible" or "snake oil." Those who disagree are accused of being "deluded," or suffering some insurmountable bias, or attempting to further some commercial agenda. On occasion, they have taunted detractors with an appeal that they engage in a wager - one guy wanted $25,000 cash up front and an agreement drafted by lawyers. Another offered 5-to-1 odds.

I am not going to tell you who to believe. But for anyone who might be uncertain about sorting out conflicting claims here, I suggest they consider the behavior of experts in other fields. No good doctor offers a 100 percent guarantee on any treatment or surgical procedure, even if medical science suggests success. No good attorney will tell you that you have a case that positively can’t be lost, even if the law appears to be on your side. No true professional will insult you for the questions you ask, or abandon you if you seek a second opinion.

A doctor conducts his own tests. An engineer makes his own measurements. Neither will insist the burden of documentation falls upon you.

These might be details to consider as you sift through the many conflicting claims made on Audiogon. In short: Decide for yourself. Don’t let other people tell you how to think, or listen.
Ag insider logo xs@2xcleeds
Sorry, I know you are "very busy", however it seems your first post was 5/11/2018 @ 5:04am and your first response was from freediver, not me.
I find it funny that a self-proclaimed language expert and Mensa member misspells their!
 Re: dill. It was you .My first discussion post was totally deleted because of someone using a bad word.You would have no way to look that up.ABSOLUTELY WRONG!.. THEME: dill trying to make someone look stupid. SUGGESTION:Realize you may not be that bright and quit pretending others are mentally challenged more than youseself.Jumping at any chance to make them look dumb is a psychological overcompensation neurosis mechanism and obviously needing to get a life.

 Re: nonoise.The only other time I mentioned Mensa was in my first discussion post that got deleted over foul language, you must be following me very closely, and in all probability are a close friend, or the same person with 2 usernames that influenced that post to get deleted.Remember we are on here to discuss audio not "lets see if I can find someone to bother over fussbudgetry."Friends with dill and bdp24 I presume."

Re: bdp24.I find it funny about you  also; that anyone would be so pitifull to totally forget about spell-right and the many errors it puts us all through.The spell-right on my computer changes the abbreviation of packing to the word pig,the word for to furor and also misspells the word. t h e I r among many other words. Spell-right thinks its smarter than people and is a real pain in the rear and a screw up to boot.Sound familiar???? Once again this forum is about audio; not so important if someone really does miss a spelling.Language experts and spelling experts would be 2 totally different things anyway.With errors by spell-right so common I'll bet you are the only one on here who wouldn't be sharp enough to think of that.Like your friend dill you really need to get a life.

 So; what we have here is 3 undoubtedly "related" characters with nothing better to do than get together and try to make Audiogon an unpleasant experience for a newcomer.Like high end audio itself,for Audiogon to thrive and grow it needs new people who sign in to join and who continue to stay on it and use it and buy.We will only do those things if we enjoy Audiogon.If I was Audiogon and I caught "anyone"trying to gang up on somebody and make Audiogon an unpleasant experience for them I would without hesitation "kick them off for good".Debates are one thing, but trying to make a joke of other people means you are a joke yourself.You 3 are like a rude cashier at a store that does not  give a sh*t about the store; that eventually loses the store enough customers to bring it down instead of growing. If I was Audiogon I would remove anyone who posts to personally put anyone down; and to try to make it an unpleasant experience for them.If something isn't fun, customers just drop like flies and go somewhere else.Audiogon wants to grow; with seedlings like you characters, it really holds things back.I Don't believe I just took 12 minutes of my time defending myself over disturbed individuals with nothing better to do than to make it uncomfortable for someone who is new on here. Is this your "turf" or something? Strange really strange !

ATTENTION:TO ANYONE ON HERE ESPECIALLY NEWBIES. It's best not to give out any personal information about yourself on here.I make sure never to give even my fist name or last name,what state if any I am from (could be from Europe for all anyone knows),any info about dealers you frequent,( there are no more high end stores around here; a pity) or anything else that would breach your anonymity.The 3 characters above are an example of a probable click and they are very suspicious to me for reasons discussed.My very first discussion post got removed over a member (similar in personality and theme with the 3 above),who was using 2 usernames and when he realized he was near to being "found out" he started talking like a black man with jive slang all of a sudden with his one username, in order to seem like he was two different people.Do like me and watch out and play it safe on not giving anything away about yourself in these discussion forums and lets realize we are all here for (clean) fun,sharing and learning.