Beware the audio guru

There are a few contributors to these forums who apparently see themselves as gurus. They speak in absolutes, using words such as "always" and "never." They make pronouncements about products or techniques they’ve never heard or experienced, justifying their conclusions because contrary claims are "impossible" or "snake oil." Those who disagree are accused of being "deluded," or suffering some insurmountable bias, or attempting to further some commercial agenda. On occasion, they have taunted detractors with an appeal that they engage in a wager - one guy wanted $25,000 cash up front and an agreement drafted by lawyers. Another offered 5-to-1 odds.

I am not going to tell you who to believe. But for anyone who might be uncertain about sorting out conflicting claims here, I suggest they consider the behavior of experts in other fields. No good doctor offers a 100 percent guarantee on any treatment or surgical procedure, even if medical science suggests success. No good attorney will tell you that you have a case that positively can’t be lost, even if the law appears to be on your side. No true professional will insult you for the questions you ask, or abandon you if you seek a second opinion.

A doctor conducts his own tests. An engineer makes his own measurements. Neither will insist the burden of documentation falls upon you.

These might be details to consider as you sift through the many conflicting claims made on Audiogon. In short: Decide for yourself. Don’t let other people tell you how to think, or listen.
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I always keep in mind the nature of the speaker set up when I audition speakers - both in terms of the room, speaker position, amps.

I am pretty good at getting he gist of a speaker in a demo.   I generally prefer my CJ premier 12 amps to any solid state amps I’ve heard, I know the qualities they tend to impart to a speaker so I’m pretty good at mapping that on to what I’m hearing even when the demo is using other amps.  Yes you can massage the sound of speakers via dialing in set up/amplification, but generally speaking a speaker’s character or voice carries through it all (at least through competent system set up).

If found if a speaker has an “IT FACTOR” (for me) I’ll notice it in almost any set up, and further refine it at home.  I’m sure I could nudge the Revel sound further to my liking (and they were quite good!) but their voice didn’t have the IT factor that grabbed me in any way, to compel me to further effort.  

I’ve heard a number of the Revel floor standars in different set ups.  They all had that Revel sound - to me, extremely competent but never compelled me to want to spin Tune after tune.   Whereas for instance I’ve heard Quad ESL 57s, or Harbeth speakers (and many others) in tons of different rooms and types of amplification and I’ve never experienced that ho-hum feeling.  They always sound compelling to me.  Same goes for Thiel, MBL, some Audio Physic models, and other brands that, while set up conditions certainly affect their sound - they have a particular presentation that comes through and keeps me wanting to hear more.

What would be really interesting to me would be trying the blind test at Harmon.
Given Tool’s work, statistically I’d be likely to choose the Revels in a blind test (unless those other designs get close enough to the design criteria identified as desirable).
So I wouldn’t necessarily be surprised if that happened.   Then I’d have to wonder what to do with those results.  Do I go with what I chose in the blind test?  Or with what I perceive as more compelling in my sighted tests?  It would be fun to find out.
(I’d have no problem sticking with my sighted test preferences for various reasons).
As an audio guru, I'd like to listen to kinds of Audible audiobooks and common music files. The problem is that Audible files can't be played on my mp3 players. Fortunately I got the DRM audible book converter, it helps me great to convert all my Audible files to MP3 files. Now I can enjoy all my Audiobook files quickly without any problems when I am on my commute between home and office. 
An ironic outcome of this thread, it has revealed many of the audio gurus we are to be aware of?!?!

Are they genuine audio gurus, potential audio gurus, wannabe audio gurus or just delusional, arrogant blowhards?
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