Beyond SACD with Redbook: Price No Object

I just read the SACD/DVD-A is Dead thread which bummed me out a bit as I have been pondering the purchase a Sony SCD-1.

If it is true that redbook has already or will soon eclipse SACD, is there any consensus on state of the art CD players or DACs that can actually approach the fun of analogue.

Some of you have suggested that the Sony SCD-1 offers glorious redbook, the new Musical Fidelity DAC seems to be chateau Lafite to some and snake oil to others.

Is there any consensus on world class, undisputed heavy weight champ redbook players and/or DACs these days?

I would especially appreciate your opinions on what you think is the best of the best -- not "sleepers", good for their price range etc.

I don't mind spending the big bucks, just want to enjoy music again.
Oh boy...Today I received the FIM Hybrid SACD multi-channel version of Jazz at the Pawn Shop. This is absolutely the best I have heard digital sound. I am utterly speachless.
i agree with Albert and some others that very good or great vinyl is quite a ways beyond the best digital avalible today......and that would be SACD.....not Redbook....and these formats are not really that close.

i have not heard better Redbook than my Linn CD-12, it has a natural clarity and overall ease and drive that does mimic sacd......but.....the resolution of MOST sacds on my Marantz SA-1 is quite a bit better. even analog tape based sacds are generally better than the best redbook can do.

the recent sacds released by Analog Productions are a good example; "Waltz For Debbie" and "Chet" are 2 of the most familiar cds to myself and probably most of you. i own 3 different cd versions of "Waltz" including the XRCD and 2 cd versions of "Chet" including the gold Analog Productions versions. these 2 new sacds blow away the cd versions in almost every way; lower noise background, more detail, deeper soundstage, more believable instrument presentation, etc., etc., etc.,......

the negative about sacd is the slowness of new releases, not the performance. i will say that recent improvements in the performance of my system has made the differences between the various formats much more pronounced; a year ago i percieved that the CD-12 was closer to the Marantz SA-1 than i now percieve it to be.

in my system we sometimes start with the cd of a performance, then sacd, then 33rpm vinyl, then 45rpm is quite an eye-opener to hear the performance come alive.....the differences are not subtle.....they are significant to me and other listeners.
I agree that SACD and DVD-audio are totally dead plain and simple. Absolutly no quality software!!! Too late they have missed the window of opportunity. I would spend all you want on a great cd player like 47labs or Audiomeca with no concern of needing a new player any time soon. There will be totally new and better formats before SACD and DVD-audio have any idea what happened which will be a long time from now. Its about the music, buy a nice turntable and pick up a gazillion cheap records for less than the cheapest SACD/DVD players!
Mike is damn right. Even though i have a lot of CD's collection but i have to be honest that SACD is much better than my CD's.

SACD is coming and we rather get ready and even support them.

If you really love music = Vinyl
If you can't live with Vinyl = SACD
Mikelavigne, excellent post with great insight to your thinking and system preferences. I must say I wish more than anything that we were in the same city.

I and others in my audio group appear to have a great deal in common with you when it comes to musical priorities.

And to Audio999, nice short and to the point !