Bi-amping mark-Daniel Maximus: Mind-blowing

It escapes me that these unique speakers are hardly spoken of - admittedly tough loads - 85 db, 4 ohm, dipping to 2.8 - must be bi-amped, by decree of makers - understandably - but when they are, do they rock/sing/pulsate/kick butt/image and grab you relentlessly! Probably the most fun/rowdy-yet-musical, vibrant, yet coherent - system I have heard in my no waf play-room. M-D Maximus, biamped with Moscode hybrid 401 (400 WPC into 4 ohms) for the bottom 950 Hz and TAD-1000 100 WPC pure tubes, driven by 1960 Mullards and Amperex orange logo - and JJ 34 EL Blue glass for the highs. Made my hair stand on end. If there is a more dynamic set-up for a medium sized room, placed 8 ft from walls, I've never heard it. These speakers are a revelation and I urge others to listen to them. I dont work for M-D and only know about them from the 6 Moons review and susequent discussions with owners. Wow! I'm still foot-tapping, an hour after they were turned off to watch Papelbon zap the Rockies............Go hear them, but insist on big, nasty, fun amps, typified by the Moscode 401. D amps didnt do it, nor did pure tubes. But MOSFET low end and tubes for the rest sure made this old tube geezer a dancing man:)
Yep, I use MOSFET lows and tube highs and love it as well. I haven't heard of these speakers - I will have to check out the review. Enjoy the music!

phil jones' acoustic energy ae1 classic re-issue and the discontinued and legendary ae2
I was really wanting to look at Mark and Daniel speakers because of all the hype in forums. But then I started to hear about other speakers and kinda shifted my interest to other brands especially after reading a review online at either stereo mojo or stereo times cant remember which. It was written on i think the rubies from m and k. I truely believe they are a good speaker for the money. I recently attended the RMAF in Denver. I heard a lot of speakers i really liked. For the money there were 3 that blew my mind for the $$. And they were ATI, AZ Adagio, and the tiny speaker that were in the Tri room. WoW! If there is anything better out there..i would love to hear it. I was there for only 2 days and there were a few peices of equipment i wanted to listen to but i either ran out of time or over looked where they were located. All in outstanding show. I just wish i had the opportunity to hear the M and K's.
I have the AZ Adagios - they are indeed awesome. But very different from the M-D Maximus. They are superb speakers and can image close to the walls - coherent, refined, smooth,musical and realistic, whereas the M-Ds are like the Moscode 401 and the Jadis int amp - bold, outrageous and utterly compelling. When driven properly. I couldn't choose betrween them - they are for different places, uses and amps.