Biamping with Digital amps Minimally Effective?

I posted this on Audio Assylum a week ago and zero response. So, here goes on Agon...

And, I may add, Blessed Christmas to all!
So, I've got two PS Audio HCA-2 amps (which are not configurable to mono). I'm planning on eventually passively vertically biamping my future speakers.

I can see that with conventional amps, biamping would be prospectively beneficial. However, with the digitals and their ability to run without strain even into 2 ohms, would it not theoretically be just as good to simply biwire the speakers as opposed to vertically biamp?

My speakers will be relatively inefficient and at 4 ohms. But, this should be of little problem for the PS Audio amps. Isn't a large part of passive biamping an attempt to ante up the power? I'm not sure that adding a splitter and second interconnect will give me better separation, imaging, etc.

I have often heard inmates here suggest that a better quality amp is the way to go in leu of passive biamping using two identicle amps.

So, has anyone attempted both passive biamping and simple biwiring using digital amps, and what was your impressions? Thanks for all input!

Showing 1 response by alpha_03

what is the input Impeadence of your amplifiers?

If it is below 25kOhm you have your problem in hand, most pre-amps wont drive two amplifiers below 25kOhm sensitivity because in series the load is halved, this load (what the pre-amp sees), i.e. two 20kOhms amps in bi-amp mode will look like a 10kohm load, a difficult load to drive for most pre amps.

how do I know this, I have had the same problem.

lesson learned