Bias setting

Hi all

I may have set the bias on my Octave V110SE (KT-150) while the tubes were potentially a bit too cold. 
How would I know if it's not accurate & how do I correct it?
The manual doesn't mention this.

Thank you both very much! 
It's my first tube integrated. Previously had tube pre.

I may have set the bias on my Octave V110SE (KT-150) while the tubes were potentially a bit too cold.


First time or the last time, it makes no difference. Always check your work.

UNIT is OFF, no standby, OFF.

Now reseat all the valves, slight lift and RE-SEAT the valve, pull straight up, push straight down. DON'T give it too big a wiggle, that is what breaks the locator pin.

Now disconnect the input, to the unit, OR make sure the volume is all the way down, on the preamp and the power amp.

Turn it on let it warm up, 10-15 minutes and do your adjustments. 

Turn it off, reconnect, OR turn it up and give it a good listen for an hour or so. REPEAT the procedure, less the valve reseat..

Every 3 months or so if you turn it on every night.

About 100 "turn on" sessions, I recheck the bias. That causes more drift than anything..OFF and ON.... For most folks, about once a year..

Recheck your amp’s bias after it’s been playing music, for an hour or two.      Don’t have anything playing, while you’re taking the measurements, just to be certain (but- stay within it’s nine minute window).      Check again after a week or so.    Then, a month.     Tubes take awhile to reach their potential best.      Slight deviations in your measurements, shouldn’t be a cause for concern, as long as you’re remaining balanced (between tubes).