Big Karan amps

Anyone with experience of the bigger Karan amps.
I am interested in the new 650 Monoblocks.
How does Karan amps sound compared to for example BAT VK-600, Theta Citadels, Ayre MX-R, Burmester, MBL and others?
I have Aerial 20T's.
Has anybody compared Karans to the like of top line from Boulder, Spectral, Gryphon, Golmund or Soulution??
Most of the amps you mention are out of question for me. Maybe expect from Boulder and Solution I think they are colder sounding and more analytical than the Karan and hence closer to my Rowlands. I have not heard all of them, but that is the impression I have from what I have read.
I'm just trying to get a feel of the Karan sound here. If they turn out responded better than most I have listed by fellow gon'ers, it sure is a worthwhile contender to look up and audition one myself too. Have you had the chance to compare them to Burmester 911mkIII or MBL9011 as yet?
Sorry, previous last line I was meant to say--should you later have the opportunity to such exposures do shed us some light here.. Cheers!
For Aerials, why not consider the Lamm 2.2s monoblocks ?
These amps should have enough power to drive them well.