Biggest audio hoaxes

Often when people discuss audio, they talk about "snake oil" or "hoaxes."

It's pretty typical to use the term hoax as a tactic against another who disagrees with one, or holds an unusual opinion or vouches for something which has not been verified. That's not what I mean by a "hoax." 

By "hoax" I mean an audio product or claim which has been pretty definitively disproved. Maybe not to everyone's satisfaction, but to common consensus.

So -- with that definition of hoax in mind, what are some of the biggest audiophile hoaxes you've heard of?
Biggest hoax >> ’wife who pokes her head into your listening room and proclaims she hears a difference when you have recently (unbeknownst to her) acquired some new component’.

You know she’s pulling wool over your head. No way in hell any wife, no matter what you say, can tell a turtle from a speaker. If she tells you otherwise, figure out the ulterior motive pronto. I would much rather prefer my wife cheats on me instead of playing with my emotions like this. 

 think one of the worst hoaxes in audio has been the attacks and disinformation on ABX and Other forms of blind testing ."

It is not a fraud, deception, or hoax to challenge, question, or refute the faults and limitations of the various forms of blind testing including abx part of the problem is that what many consider hear to be a blind test may be blind but they are not scientific because they leave other variables without proper, appropriate, and necessary controls. 

The real issue for some here is that the "blind test" is part of their fundamentalist core belief system as has been noted by various other users, contributors, and writers to this forum and when you have blind faith in any entity you cannot accept criticism, fault finding or  doubt directed, attached, or aimed at the fundamentalist belief itself it is immune from questioning.
+2 djones51.   There is definitely a concerted effort to spread false information. It is similar to other industries which have been repeatedly debunked, but they still continue, many whose sales far exceed this little corner of the debunked world.

Similarly, though, those that should be most upset are the biggest proponents. Is this a misery loves company thing or an anti-authority thing

It is not a fraud, deception, or hoax to challenge, question, or refute

If you had stopped there, the overall validity of the post went way up.

682 posts
05-18-2021 3:36pm
Biggest hoax >> ’wife who pokes her head into your listening room and proclaims she hears a difference when you have recently (unbeknownst to her) acquired some new component’.

^^^^^^^^ Today's winner ^^^^^^^^^^^
Fuses for one that cost Like $2500, and way way too much emphasis on room treatment crap to excess. You know, flying saucers on the ceiling, and weird azz stuff hanging from walls and In corners and behind speakers and between speakers and behind you and what your sitting on and of course, you must absolutely not have a coffee table or god forbid a picture frame with glass! Oh my, a TV or an equipment rack between the speakers!....I don’t know what world some of you live in, but it ain’t must have a wonderful marriage....I could go on & on but I’ll spare ya all...oh wait, we must not forget to mention those potential seismic good vibrations...everthing should be mounted on a slinky!!! Pronto! Asap!
Oh crap, almost forgot, shut off those breakers to the fridge and the ac when you are intently listening, and then forget to turn em back on....😜
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