Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Showing 9 responses by dave_b

If you do not care about sound, hook up an industrial garden hose to your amp and speakers...Loews has some great deals!!! If you want great sound as well, get a double quad set of Harmonic Technologies Magic Woofer cables and bi-wire your that's alot of cable!!
Silver bad, copper GOOOOD! I've gone through the mill again with cables and tried all the new offerings such as SR Tesla and the winner IS.....MIT! Me likey:O )
I gave up on Transparent cables for several years and tried almost everything else available...just went back to Transparent Ultra and reference level MM cables...aint no comparison, they are theee best cables made by man...period!!!!!
I just purchased MIT Oracle V2.1 IC's and Speaker that's pretty big and bad..I mean good!!
Temporarily using some Monster in wall $25/50ft spool speaker cable (14gauge) until my new stuff arrives for my Wilson Sophias and I am amazed at just how good they sound.
I just upgraded to MIT Oracle V1.1 IC's and speaker cables. I also have Transparent MM power those are cables baby!! Yeah...grrrrrr
I was looking back at horsestoharleys posts and I understand what he is saying...the network boxes can do more for the audio signal than any ultra grade wire can.
Excepting for some rare system synergies, silver wires (especially ribbon designs)are just not as musical or tonaly correct. I've had some of the best, and they were far from being musical compared to a well done copper cable.