Biggest Baddest Audio Cables

Whether they actually sound better or not, I don't really care but I have a fetish for beautifully made, anaconda sized audio cables, especially with unusually well made connectors. Any ideas here especially where 2nd hand is a deep discount would be greatly appreciated. Thank you.

Showing 2 responses by maverick_spd

The sickest cables i have heard to yet is made by liquid cables. Was the first time ever i heard a huge difference in sound. I came about them at the CES show in Montreal when 2 rooms were carrying the same speakers. Lafleurs. One room must of had well over a 100,000$ of equipement hooked up on them as for the other was hooked up on some Chinese xindak. You would never guess which room had the most amazing sound there. You guess it ........ xindak room. Why? The wires were worth 15 000 but man what a difference. No comparaison. I was blown away and so were 30 other people in a small room crammed in.

scroll down the page to you get to the lafleur speakers you will see the liquid cables mentioned there and they are still in business this was at the 2009 CES show in Montreal in april