Greetings, you seem to be on the Quest for the Ultimate Sound...(having burned through 40 components so far!)
A while back I did something similar, a "Stacked" speaker configuration. I had two sets of Eminent Technology LFT-8A speakers (hybrid planars) with 8 chanels of amplification. Around 2,400 watts into 4 ohms.
It was an incredible experience. Phenomenal POWER and PRESENCE like I've never heard before or since in a system in my home. It sounded like you were really AT the concert...
However, I had a guest who mentioned that my system was weak on "imaging". That got me thinking. I was waaaay on the soundstage side of things, and needed to come waaay back toward the imaging (detail) side of things.
So, I sold it all, went to a very simple setup that I'm currently running, with a two chanel amp and single wired speakers. I went up a level in the quality of the components and went for simple and quality pieces. I am actually mutch happier with the detail than the soundstage. I still have about 75% of the soundstage but a lot more detail and beauty in the sound.
I'm sure you're going to have quite a bit of fun in the years ahead! One thing; try to chronicle your euqipment that you've owned. I wish I had pictures of all the gear I've gone through; it would be a great nostalgia trip.
Have you visited audioreview.com yet? May save you some unnecessary "flipping" of gear. But, if you're like me, you secretly relish the chase for the next component...
You can see a pic of my 'stacked' ET's as well as the current rig under my name.
Greetings, you seem to be on the Quest for the Ultimate Sound...(having burned through 40 components so far!)
A while back I did something similar, a "Stacked" speaker configuration. I had two sets of Eminent Technology LFT-8A speakers (hybrid planars) with 8 chanels of amplification. Around 2,400 watts into 4 ohms.
It was an incredible experience. Phenomenal POWER and PRESENCE like I've never heard before or since in a system in my home. It sounded like you were really AT the concert...
However, I had a guest who mentioned that my system was weak on "imaging". That got me thinking. I was waaaay on the soundstage side of things, and needed to come waaay back toward the imaging (detail) side of things.
So, I sold it all, went to a very simple setup that I'm currently running, with a two chanel amp and single wired speakers. I went up a level in the quality of the components and went for simple and quality pieces. I am actually mutch happier with the detail than the soundstage. I still have about 75% of the soundstage but a lot more detail and beauty in the sound.
I'm sure you're going to have quite a bit of fun in the years ahead! One thing; try to chronicle your euqipment that you've owned. I wish I had pictures of all the gear I've gone through; it would be a great nostalgia trip.
Have you visited audioreview.com yet? May save you some unnecessary "flipping" of gear. But, if you're like me, you secretly relish the chase for the next component...
You can see a pic of my 'stacked' ET's as well as the current rig under my name.