Many spkr mfr's will tell you that bi-wiring is nonsense
(Sonus Faber, Genesis, & Dunlavy to name a few).
Great way to sell more wire.
Separating the lows and highs when they both originate from the same point?
Somehow the description of bi-ampable has morphed into bi-wireable.
Probably because bi-amping is a costly option that few want to do, while bi-wiring
is a less costly option, but not an option in the same league.
Bound For Sound had a very good article on this subject in a recent (within the last year or so) issue.
They elaborated on what we have been telling people for years on this, but few listen, as
many audiophiles love to believe those that push hype, which if enough people believe it,
seems to often become the rule that many follow in the audiophile world.
(Sonus Faber, Genesis, & Dunlavy to name a few).
Great way to sell more wire.
Separating the lows and highs when they both originate from the same point?
Somehow the description of bi-ampable has morphed into bi-wireable.
Probably because bi-amping is a costly option that few want to do, while bi-wiring
is a less costly option, but not an option in the same league.
Bound For Sound had a very good article on this subject in a recent (within the last year or so) issue.
They elaborated on what we have been telling people for years on this, but few listen, as
many audiophiles love to believe those that push hype, which if enough people believe it,
seems to often become the rule that many follow in the audiophile world.