Biwire speakers

I am new to the world of separates and have a very basic question. I just purchased an Anthem P2 to to power my Paradigm S-8s. Is there any advantage or disadvantage to biwire my speakers to the P2? Thanks.
Bi-wiring is a waste of good speaker cable. Stick with a single, good quality cable to each speaker...

I have always found a different result than Rlwainwright (above) I have always felt bi-wiring an improvement providing the speakers lend themselves to it.
See this thread. My comment in that thread, while obviously somewhat tongue-in-cheek, I think pretty much says it all:
02-07-12: Almarg
Having followed many prior threads that have addressed this question, I can say unequivocally that a clear consensus has emerged. That consensus can be stated as follows:

It may or may not make a difference. If it makes a difference, it may or may not be for the better.
-- Al