Black Ash..... the speaker finish that never should have been allowed to escape the bowels of hell. It is the parkay floors of speaker finishes.

Black Ash is the universal declaration of "cheap-#ssed speakers" or, even worse, if chosen as the finish on even a relatively expensive or quality speaker, it’s the sign that the purchaser has lost his mind or was likely wearing cargo shorts, socks and sandals at the time of purchase.

Where do you stand on this?

You are either with me or against me.

It's all about personal tastes. If the listening room is furnished such that the speaker finish is important then that's a factor. I have seen rooms that are so elegant with lush furnishings that the speaker finish can add or subtract from the overall appearance.
That said.....While speaker appearance is one that can be important, overall performance of the speaker is the primary goal. If given the choice to purchase speakers offered in multiple finishes then certainly go with your preference. Black ash is a common finish quite neutral as presented in any room.
Bottom line.....If the speaker of your choice is not offered in the finish you want then decide if you want the sound you want or just a piece of nice looking furniture.

"It was good enough for Henry Ford....."
Thanks. I just learned that Ford T was initially actually produced in different colors before turning black because of the quickest-drying paint.

Maybe speaker manufacturers have some practical secret why they like black ash.
Black ash is the dark hole spawn of Satan. Not that there's anything wrong with that. Black fabric grilles next.
The only positive I can see for black ash is that scratches are easily touched up with a black sharpie.  Other than that little tidbit, no thanks...its horrid !
Here's a hypothetical question for prof. (Remember,I'm speaking hypothetically)  Lets say a new pair of Perspectives comes up in Black Ash,with a $4k discount,what do you do?????