Blu-ray multi-channel analog vs. HDMI

Now I know this question has been pondered before, but I thought I would chime in on what I have learned from my system.

I have a Sony BDP-S550 and an Onkyo TX-SR605. I know this is low end stuff, so please forgive me! I bought the Sony (with its 7.1 analog outs) before upgrading to the HDMI-capable Onkyo. After fiddling around, I was surprised to learn that the analog outs on the Sony sound much better than the Onkyo doing the decoding and DA conversion over HDMI.

My question is how do certain Blu-ray players with 7.1 analog outs compare to certain A/V receivers. More specifically, where would the Oppo 83 (SE or no SE) stack up in terms of what receiver would give comparable sound via HDMI

I'm no digital expert but presumably Oppo is and it appears they agree with you about analog vs HDMI sound. The SE upgrade for their Model 83 is purely to improve sound quality - but it applies only to the analog outputs on the 83. Their website says you won't benefit from the SE upgrade if you use HDMI for sound.
The SE upgrade for their Model 83 is purely to improve sound quality - but it applies only to the analog outputs on the 83.

Right. Just wondering what sort of receiver or pre/pro's analog output would be able to equal or surpass the analog output of an Oppo 83 (SE or not). I see that my previous post is confusing, so let me state that I realize that the answer differs depending on if it were a SE model or not.

I have a Samsung BD-P2550 Blu-Ray which can be set to decode internally the 5.1 PCM. I have my pre/pro setup to do absolutely nothing to the signal via DVD-A; pure analog, 5.1 (or 7.1 disc format permitting) Uncompressed audio. I love the analog sound much more than the digital decodings. My Dynaudio Confidence theater loves it too. Some recordings are better than others and IMO, I think it stands out more with the analog. The recordings that do have imperfections are much more subtle in digital format.
" I love the analog sound much more than the digital decodings. "

They are all digital decodings. The only difference is where the decoding takes place.
