Blue Circle BC2 - may need to upgrade.

Hi Folks:
I'm currently using a pair of Blue Circle BC2 power amps, and have been enjoying the sound. However, as my system has evolved, I find my BC2s taking up way too much space in my room and I'd like to consider alternative power amps, ideally offering even better sound for the same money (on used market - something like $2,300), and taking up less space - maybe even just the one stereo amp. Anyway, I'd appreciate your suggestions. I'm keen on tube amps (in particular OTL or SET), but can make an exception for the right solid state. Rest of my system is Audio Physic VirgoII speakers, Supratek Syrah preamp, YBA CD1a CD player, Teres 135/OL Silver/Shelter 501II vinyl rig, ICs and SC all 47Labs OTA Sakura, with FIM Gold and NBS Statement PCs. The Virgos are pretty efficient, but I suspect they still like some decent power. Thanks,
Yes, I would consider the new Blue Circle hybrids. Especially if you want to retain that Blue Circle sound.
Note, I do have a BC28 for sale. But I am selling it not to upgrade but because I have to and I am going to be out of the country for a good bit. The bc28 was designed to be a bigger and better BC2. Check out the website at and Gilbert talks about it. I never thought an amp could make such a positive difference in a system.
Hi Folks:
Thanks for the suggestions. As things worked out, I decided against switching power amps, but instead am selling my CD player (the two box YBA CD1a was also taking up a lot of real estate) - I may regret the sale thoug - I'm not sure what to replace it with. In the interim I'll just be listening to vinyl, which, I'm finding, is all I seem to listen to these days anyway because it sounds so damn good. Thanks again for the suggestions. Cheers,