blue collar workers

was just sittin here wondering how many people here at audiogon are blue collar workers.

just curious as to how many people work with their hands that enjoy the same hobby as me.

i myself run a 25 to 30 man construction crew in michigan & all the other hifi nuts i know are not blue collar people.

speedball, i think all of us who have spent so many years in the trades have a bad back & knee's ,after 21 years of industrial roofing mine's like a bowl of jello, thank god im in management now.

good luck on the back.

Dragonhorns, so when a white collar worker says "Eat me", you oblige them? ;-)
Hey Janx..check out :<)
The worst white collar worker I ever munched on was a lawyer.
The huge roll of money in his silk trousers tasted like a cross between cheap French perfume and groin sweat.
It 'aint easy being a dragon.