Bluesound mode not really cutting it

Running a bluesound node. Sounds pretty good but I feel like I can do better. I'm running a Black ice Dac thru a Schiit saga plus into a Mac Mc 152 and Lsa signature 20's. Looking to upgrade node I have 2 to 3 k to spend. Hard to find decent reviews. Any suggestions. Listen to blues classic rock and anything that sounds good. Have tenants downstairs so listen at moderate levels and kinda prefer realistic or almost tube or liquid sound. 


Our Node2i sends its signal by glass Toslink cable to an Emotiva XDA3 dac out to 500 watt Red Dragon monoblocks out to Yamaha NS-5000 speakers. The Node is hard wired to a fiber optic modem. There's also a Rhythmik G25HP double ender subwoofer crossed at 30hz.

We listen to internet radio relatively loudly in a large room all day long. Hawaiian Reggae, Grateful Dead, 70's music. We like it.

Ronboco, glad its not just me. I bought a stylus which helps hitting the dots, but it doent work on the phone. Also I think the most frustrating part is that is clears the que. It would be nice if the 3 dot are was independant of the song title.

Hopefully the software writer reads Audiogon

I use a Node (Gen 3) with a PD Creative LPS (excellent Polish company and highly recommended) connected to my Denafrips Ares 12th. Pre-amp is a Schiit Saga 2. Power is provided by an NAD S200 into Dynaudio Special 40's. The LPS and pre-amp upgrade made all the difference. Total cost to me was around $4K. Used or demo except for the Schiit. Toslink to the Denafrips as I use the Denafrips coaxial for my CD transport. 

I have the Node 130.  I added a Teddy Pardo linear power supply to it, and that obviously improved its sound.  If you like the Bluesound app and want to stream wi-fi, adding a LPS is a cost-effective way to improve the Node.  Teddy Pardo claims it brings its sound quality up to the level of $2000 streamers.  I heard a clearer rendering of the soundstage and a bit more "meat on the bones" with the timbre of instruments.

   Hi , I would like to share my experience that occurred over the past two weeks. I have been running a Project Streambox Ultra II. I have both Tidal and Qbuzz. My streamer is hardwired and I have two usb cables, a Cardas Clear, and Wireworld Starlight Platinum 8. My DAC is a Schiit Yiggy into a Rogue Pre. My system is resolving enough that I can tell a definite difference in cables. I started with a laptop then went to the Project over the Node about 3 years ago. About 3 weeks ago my Project would not recognize my DAC, I put it back to factory settings started over, but no luck. Since I was already looking for something better and being cost driven, I purchased a used Innuos Pulse Mini that came with a Zero Zone LPS for $975. I believe the LPS is Chinese but it’s pretty well built. So my Innuos arrived and I downloaded the app and began the setup. What happened was it wouldn’t recognize my Yiggy thru the USB. So I hooked it up with a Morrow digital coax. I’m using the Innuos operating software and running Tidal and Qbuzz. The sound is a noticeable improvement over the Project. So during this process I hooked up my old laptop to my Yiggy thru USB and it played fine. But again the Pulse Mini would not recognize it. I began to wonder if the Pulse was meant to output USB, so I emailed Innuos support. I received a response from Daniel C the same day. In asking about the Pulse I mentioned my issue with my Schiit DAC. He responded by stating the the Pusle does recognize thru USB. He went so far as to research my First Generation Yiggy and tell me that my Gen III input card was the issue and to contact Schiit. I did, he was correct and I’m in the process of shipping my DAC to Schiit for the UNISON USB card. I am absolutely astounded at Innuos support for going that deep for someone with a used item and no warranty. So to answer your question upgrade your streamer Vs putting money into it. At your price point get the “ Pulse“ over the mini because it’s a tad newer and has a nice LPS built in. There are some good reviews. If you want just a streamer look at the Innuos Pulse and the Aurender N150. Most dealers will sell tax free or you can find a open box for about $1K less. As far as streamers and cables not making a difference, I have to call BS. I think we all have our experiences my experience is not the absolute rule. I also believe that the rule of diminishing returns apply, but there are big tiers of improvement and I exist in a Mid Fi  home and this is a Hi Fi arena. Happy Hunting, Mike B.