BlueSound Node 2i > RME ADI2 DAC > NAD 316 BEE v2 > Dali Rubicon 5 (volume too high)

Hey guys,

This might be a silly question but I'd really appreciate if you can help me understand this issue or the lack thereof.

Listed above is my system/chain. I have 3 units with pre-amp (Node, RME DAC and NAD amp).  So what should the volume on my Node and RME Dac if I want the NAD to be the main control?

Currently, I have it at Full Volume (0 db) on the Node and RME.  However, I can't seem to go past 9 o clock position on my NAD or it simply gets too loud.

Is this normal?  If so, I don't think I'll ever need a more powerful amplifier?  I am able to drive a pair of Dali Rubicon 5s (considered power hungry) with this entry level NAD.  I was considering upgrading the amp but wonder if it would make any difference at all?  
I started digesting the manual... this thing is incredible.  I mainly bought this for its feature set and its ability to apply crossfeed to my headphone amp.   I also bought it on the advice of several people in pro audio circles that had direct experience with RME dacs.

Hopefully it's not a lateral move, the NAD is a great sounding DAC, but its dated.  I love gadgets so this unit should keep me busy playing with all of its features.
Recently received my Teddy Pardo power supply for my RME and all I can say is WOW. RME claims changing out the PS that comes with the unit will add no benefit which is nonsense. I reached out to TP before ordering and they said they have sold their supplies to RME owners and it will indeed make a difference and indeed it did.

I do not find the RME to be bright but I would agree it is very transparent and would not fool anyone to have a tube output stage, but the Teddy Pardo has definitely warmed things up a bit. The RME already has great bass but now there’s more meat on the bones. I’d say the bottom end is digging a little deeper too.

PRaT is probably what I’m getting that the factory SPS didn’t deliver as the sound is definitely fuller and I will just say this thing boogies now. The Teddy is fast and punches with authority. With both the Teddy and the factory PS I have them plugged into my PS Audio P5 power regenerator so I wasn’t expecting much of a change but there is.

As mentioned earlier I never found the RME bright or clinical as some have noted. The RME is very transparent and I suppose if ones system is bright or thin sounding then the RME is not going to fix that. If one owns a RME and wants a fuller sound, more meat and maybe that’s what is warming things up, then consider the Teddy Pardo power supply. Adding the Teddy will take a great DAC and push it to the next level. 
The manual doesn’t really note much, as dah... it’s just a power supply. What is nice is they call out the fuse size and the mention there is a burn in time. I have very little time on my Teddy so I’m looking forward to hearing what is to come. From Israel to the US took about two weeks and was under $400. I appreciate RME has a lot of confidence in their product but to claim changing out the PS will not change or improve the sound is not accurate. Highly recommended.
I am really digging this DAC !!!   It is awesome.    

For the OP.    If the RME output is set to Auto Ref Output  I believe you are getting unity gain at 0.0 dB on the volume reading and not -15 dB that is on the output setting 

Check that it is set to disable and hopefully gain will be normal
@oddiofyl im a bit confused. So you’re suggesting that I disable the Auto Ref Output? If so what should be the ref output -15db? Also, what should be the volume? Should I lock the volume at 0 dB? Sorry if I’m asking silly questions. Thanks
What is your NAD? An integrated or an amp only that has left right potentiometers on the front like an NAD 2600A I once owned? I’m using a separate preamp and amp and have the output on both my Bluesound Vault 2 and RME set to fixed output and only using the pot on my preamp. If your NAD is an amp only and something similar to what I had then turn the gain down on the amp. It’s possible your speakers are efficient enough your amp is more than big enough to drive your speakers. I have very inefficient speakers but with my large amp and the size of my room I get about 9:00 as well and it’s plenty loud... will it play louder? Yes but I want to keep my hearing into old age so I respect them and actually play my system at lower levels as it has become more refined. 

You mentioned your Dali’s are power hungry so without knowing what your NAD is, I’d pull the gain down on it, set gain on your Node to fix and use the volume on the RME. If you’re NAD is an integrated does it have amp input only to bypass the preamp section? Might help knowing what model your NAD is. Reason to make your RME the only device with volume and the others fix as I’d bet it’s the better by a good margin over the NAD and I know it is over the Bluesound as I own one myself.

I think I posted a link on RME’s site on how to go into the menu to adjust the gain out put. Also make sure you don’t have the Loudness function on the RME on. See page 21, 36, 37 and 63 of the manual on line output settings. Hope that helps.