Bluesound Vault position

I've found my Bluesound Vault is better situated on my rack in the vertical position. I'm certain streaming will not be an issue in this position, but I'm wondering if burning to the internal hard disc could be affected or if listening to already burned music could be affected. I played a couple of CD's I've burned to the internal hard drive and it seems to be ok, but perhaps the sound could be degraded. Doesn't seem so, but I'm wondering if you all have opinions? I tried googling it to no avail. 



I was thinking that since there is a place to slide a CD in, it may be position sensitive, like it wouldn't sit properly on the little spinner without the parallel force of gravity. 

Interesting thought.  The Vault isn’t a perfect ripper even when positioned conventionally so the only way to test this would be to buy two them and rip a bunch of discs and compare