Bluray Hi Rez audio

Looking for suggestions on a Blu-ray player that outputs hirez optical. Also, high quality audio grade hdmi to usb, is there such an animal? Thank you in advance
- Ripping Blu Ray is pain, I prefer to play them in a player.
OPPO-105(3) output DSD to optical and spdif, they also DO NOT play SACD-R (via DLNA or drive) per some copyright restrictions (they pay copied DVD-A with watermarks, however). You can split them in DSF files -and then they play.
As a streamer my OPPO 105 so much inferior to Auralic Aries Femto that I stopped using it and only play multi-channel music on DVD-A and BR. I believe Aurender also will beat OPPO digital outputs with ease.
FWIW: I tried playing BluRay disk (Yes - Close to the Edge) from my Oppo 105 to my Rega DAC but could never get the 24/192 light to come on. 
mikhaelkuz: You're right, some songs are 24/96 but some are 24/192. I'm not sure the 24/96 light ever came on. I'd try to verify but some "genius" made a music disk that can only be played using a TV (I don't have a TV connected to my system).
@dweller- I think in setup -> audio -> digital output format they have a settings on top output frequency. I do not remember what was default - 96 or 192. Hard of course do all of this without monitor..
BTW, which song specifically is in 192? Nothing on album paperwork indicates that stereo transfer is more then 24/96. Checked title song - 24/96.