Bonnie Koloc

Category: Music

Bonnie Koloc is an older Chicago Folk/Jazz artist, who along with Steve Goodman and John Prine defined Chicago folk in the 70's. I wandered into a local Borders and there she was, singing to about 10 people in the cafe. She was just GREAT.She just came out with a new, excellent CD on th NAIM label. I may have to accelerate my plans to get a turntable setup, jsut to listen to the 5 or 6 of her albums that I have squirreled away.
David Shapiro
ah yes, when "old chicago" was, indeed, old chicago. thanx for the news of the new cd. if you want a review of your bonnie koloc lp's, just sen 'em to me. i'll let you know. can't promise their return, tho. ;>) -kelly
I saw Bonnie Koloc around 1970 in a small club in NYC. I had never heard of her. For some reason, it was a concert that stayed with me all these years.
Wow, a name from the past. I grew up in Iowa and went to school one year at State College of Iowa (now Univ. of Nrthern Iowa) isn't this fascinating so far? School was located in Cedar Falls which is a twin city to Waterloo, Iowa. It was 1967, 1968, and Bonnie grew up in Waterloo as I understand and was beginning her career. She had the good sense to get out of Waterloo, not too many folk music afficianados among the John Deere plant workers I suppose. But anyway I heard her and had to get one of her albums. I'm glad shes still kickin it out. I'm going to log on to Amazon and look for her new CD.