Bookshelf/Small Speakers

Do not listen to my tube system & Thiels anymore & will be downsizing soon.  Therefore, what are some of the best bookshelf, small speakers available?  I do have a Carver M 400 laying around some where that I will probably use or possibly go to an integrate amp.  Thank you.  
+ many on budget parameters being helpful.
That said, Fritzspeakers and Selah both make lovely smaller boxes, maybe in the 2k range.
I own neither, btw, but would happily, if I had an application.
Don’t know if they are too big, but the ATC SCM11 are another rung up on the ladder from the LS50 (except for bass extension, not quality). They just nail PRAT. Although they cost a bit more than the rest but are well worth the extra expenditure.
+1 for ATC. I owned the KEF LS50 (V1, passive) before switching to the ATC SCM 11v2 and the difference was astounding. The KEFs were more analytical, and very detailed….but the ATC is way more fun to listen to and not at all fatiguing. Warmer, more holographical, bigger sounding….. I did my research and landed on ATC. So glad I did. Now I have SCM 40v2 and will likely never upgrade, short of moving to a bigger room or coming into a windfall…. Just my $.02.