Bookshelf speaker recommendations

I am in the need for some recommendation for bookshelf speakers in a small room(10x10). I currently have the Paradigm Mini Monitor v3 and for the price are good sounding speakers but they are way too midbass heavy like boxy sounding. A few options I was looking was the Dynaudio Audience 42 or 52 or even the Contour 1.1. I listening to everything but mostly rock and country. Every once in a while I like listening to vocals and acoustic instruments.

This will be powered by an Acurus A150 amplifier with a Rotel RC-995 preamp. My source is strictly lossless files and some streaming. 

My budget is around 1.2k.

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You say you're looking for bookshelf speakers. Are you placing them on a bookshelf or will they be more stand mount? This makes a huge difference as most "bookshelf" speakers are not suitable to be place in the closed confines of a bookshelf. If stand mount, you have many options, if bookshelf, few. 

Why not consider sealed box design like ATC to help deal with the room? Not having a port simplifies things greatly matching to a difficult room 


I would suggest a corner set up if you haven’t tried it already. They are often suggested for a square room. Good luck!