Bookshelf speakers $500 -$700

Hi all,

I am wondering if I could get some advice on a pair of bookshelf speakers to pair with an Anthem MCA20 Power Amp/TLP1 Pre. Looking for something versatile (mostly rock and jazz, with some classical thrown in).

Budget is between $500 and $700.

"07-23-14: Philjolet
why not just buy these for $129.00?
Pioneer SP-BS22-LR"

I have a pair of those I use my PC. No question they're a great deal, but with a budget of $500-&700, I think you a speaker that is a big step up from the Pioneer.
I recently picked up a pair of PSB Imagine Bs that I'm pleased with. They are rear ported and will do best when placed on a solid stand. I have them paired with a SVS sub and cross them over at about 60.

When deciding on bookshelves, placement proximity to the walls is important. How close do you intend to place them to a wall? Also, do you already have a sub? If not, that could be a factor depending on how much bass you want from the rock.
+1 Silverline Minuets. Heard them at a show several years ago and was astounded as was most everyone else in the room. Imaging was first rate, and they even did a credible job of placing a stand-up bass in the room with great weight, tonality, and micro/macro dynamics. Best of luck.