Bookshelf Speakers - $500-$900 range

Just looking for something that can provide a little more clarity and soundstage than my current setup in a medium sized room (!3x17) with high ceiling.. Music preference is rock, hard rock, acoustic music, and female vocals. Will probably be used with a NAD or Rogue integrated. Have the following on my list (new or used as long its within $500-$900 range):

Monitor Audio GX 50
Totem Rainmaker
Ascend Acoustics Sierra 1
Kef LS50
Sonus Faber Venere 1.5
Focal Aria 905

I know the recommendation will be to listen and compare them but I'm trying to dwindle the list down. Any feedback is appreciated. Thanks.
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I have the Sierras and enjoy them a lot. Good, well rounded speakers that can play most anything. Love the soft domes. I listened to both Sierra 1 varieties and also the Sierra 2’s and preferred the standard Sierra 1.

Plus I found a LCR used set of pristine gloss cherry for $750 so great value as well.
I would also consider the PSB Imagine Bs. I use a pair with my old NAD T747, Raspberry Pi streamer, and Cambridge Audio CXU universal player and they sound great.