Bookshelf Speakers with the decent bass

Looking for the bookshelf speakers with the decent bass that would sound nice in 17'x 12' room. Listening preference:
Smooth/Uptempo Jazz; Acoustic Jazz and Ambiental music.
So far I am using Focal 807W Speakers and the NAD C356DAC.
Good sound, just missing "that" lover bass (hate sub woofers).
I really like how NAD sounds, especially after I replaced the
stock Pre/Amp jumpers. Nice open highs.
Or, should I try Floor standing speakers. Thank you in advance
on yours opinions.
I am really sorry to see that the thread caused the arguments. It is all about the taste and "the ears".

Any opinions on Fritzspeakers Carbon 7 SE Speakers.
Good reviews, but I don't know how they would sound with
the NAD.

For the owners of the NAD C356, just replace the stock
jumpers with the Cardas jumpers and you will get the great sound. Tight deep bass and the crisp highs. Even my friend
who is "just the tubes" thinks that the NAD sounds good.
Of course, any better interconnects would be great improvement but somehow the Cardas works the best with the NAD.
I think that a lot of people (myself included) are tired of your habit of using a discourse on any subject as an excuse for being abusive. You alternate between bad puns and nasty jabs.
Maplegrove is right. It's just getting old.
Amen to that Roxy54. I had a run in with this cat in another forum on this site. Now I don't know who this guy is, and I really don't care, but I do care when I am have a constructive dialog with an OP and he needlessly interjects. Further, in my case, he totally misconstrues the point I was making so that just indicates to me, this is some sort of compulsive behavior. I'll just leave it at that.
I will second the Ref3A de Capos, surprising bass for a smallish speaker and damn fine sounding
zd's first post on the original subject to break down : Or, should I try Floor standing speakers. Thank you in advance on yours opinions.
Topten (Threads | Answers | This Thread)"

I think a floor standing speaker would be a much better way to go. See if you can audition a pair of Vansersteen Model 1's. They're very easy to drive and the bass is in a different league than what you have now. If for some reason, you don't like them, listen to some Monitor Audio floor standers. The silver series is very nice. That said, the Model 1's are hard to beat. You should like them.

"the bass is in a different league than what you have now " zd ,Speaking in absolutes
"that said the model 1's are hard to beat . You should like them". How do you have any idea if he will like them ? He should like them ? One of the dumbest statements i have read recently . I could dissect zd's posts for hours and bring to light the terrible suggestions ,but only so much time in the day .