Borodin String Qtt 2

By The Borodin String Quartet on EMI Angel (CDC 7 47795 2) recorded originally by MELODIYA in 1980, analog.
I'm impressed by the the very sensitive playing and the recording quality (via Lexicon RT20 through the Spectral DMC20 & DMA180 & reference MIT pc's, ic's & spk cables.) It did not sound anywhere near as good an another decent system without the ac power conditioning. Looking for comments of other listeners of this, what I consider) excellent modern piece and recording.
Wow, just came across this. . I will follow up on this conversation now. . Heart surgery changed life for a while just after this conversation. Back to musical treasures :)

Great to hear from you Christian. I'm very glad you find the recording quality "surprisingly" good, as that's what I feel. (Somehow didn't expect much out of Russia even though my expectation was not based on any experience. Wonder why?). I'm hoping the piece and playing will please as well. Your famous Dunlavys are probably a big reason you can appreciate and comment on mic placement and depth. I have excellent experienced with NAD and your piece looks like a superior effort. I'm happy to hear the Oppo is providing good sound as I'm seriously thinking about the 105D to complement my Lexicon RT20 (but hoping for an improvement to CD sound with it as well since my RT20 was built in 2005 and haven't had any response to my questions about that.) Happy listening.
Ptss - received the disc several days ago, but hadn't the chance to really sit down and enjoy the recording over a cup of coffee (work schedule).

I did take it for a casual spin, and can comment briefly on the recording quality - it is surprisingly good. The width of the soundstage and the care taken in positioning and distancing the mics really adds depth to the overall presentation.

More listening this weekend, where I can better settle in on the music - I'll have more comments then.

(System context: Dunlavy SC-III.A's, Oppo BDP-95 (stock), Rogue amplification, NAD M15HD (direct analog inputs), listening room 20x16', minimally treated (for now)).
Tostadosunidos I've often heard that many composers have done some of their finest work in quartet format. Apparently it is challenging as only 4 instruments allows an easier 'microscopic' view of the intricacy of interplay and nuance. I thoroughly enjoy them.
Brownsfan I still vividly remember listening to a very evocative version of Bach's St Mathews Passion on vinyl(which I still have but haven't looked at since) one Easter in the mid 90's. Suffice to say I was fully absorbed and amazed at Bach's depth ( I was an altar boy and Knight of the Altar as a youth which gave me a deeper appreciation of Bach's effort). It will be interesting to investigate Scutz as I too like moving music.(I use the net & library to sample. I enjoy all types of classical music and enjoy observing it's evolution. I have an interesting box set of medieval and ancient music development.)
Christian, I hope you like it. I'm comparing it with another by the St Petersberg Quartet suggested by Schubert above. We'll have something to discuss.
Tosta, I imagine because there is nowhere to hide.

I have a ASV vinyl of the superb Lindsay Qt. doing Borodin's
1st and 2nd AND his charming String Sextet which has a Mendelsohnn-ish quality to my ears.Great record if you ever see one.

Brownsfan, I agree about Schutz and the hundred others whose
religious music is too profound for these times.
Also, got a chuckle over you saying Borodin was A chemist.
About like saying Ali boxed a bit LOL.
Ptss, yes, I think composers are usually on their best behavior when writing a string quartet. Not sure why, but I'm glad for it.
Ptss, The work of Schutz in subject matter in many respects overlaps the sacred vocal works of JS Bach with respect to subject matter, but Schutz's musical style is a world apart from the late high Baroque, as a comparison of, for instance, the Johannes and Mattheus passions, will show. Also, Schutz wrote far less secular music than Bach.

Schutz is not for anyone, so you would be wise to seek out some free exposure to his work prior to purchase. His music moves me deeply. It goes sadly neglected, at least in the US. Every year, in many major US cites, one of the Bach passions is performed during holy week, but I have never heard a single live performance of a Schutz passion. Nor have I heard a single radio broadcast of a live performance.

His music is old and foreign to our years. The scale is intimate. But, for me, it approaches or equals the poignancy of Bach.
Thanks very much Daverz. Wow; only $10 including shipping! A gift. And thanks to you I've learned the Decca Eloquence label from Australia is very well regarded for re-issues. Yay.
Very interesting Tubegroover. I will definitely seek that recording as I am a huge Academy fan; would probably buy most anything they record. It will be interesting to hear the horn contribution. My first listen to the String Qt #2 made me immediately want to listen again; and check out more of Borodin's work. I like your description, beautiful,exotic and mysterious relating also to Rimsky-Korsakov as I also appreciate those aspects of him as well. I've often been amazed how he could infuse his work with such fascinating nuances. Certainly absorbs me totally. Cheers.
Christian I too would never have sought out Borodin but I'm very glad for the exposure and having really enjoyed this piece I will seek out more of his work. Looking him up reveals he is a rather famous member of THE FIVE (composers) also known as THE MIGHTY HANDFUL out of Russia; renowned for promoting a specific type of Russian art music. I find this opens musical avenues to explore. Yes.
Tostadosunidos I'm with you... another quartet nut. I find a lot of personality and musicality in quartets that I didn't know the composer had in him from his larger works. Often very delightful intimate glimpses with interesting inventiveness.
I understand Schubert. Thanks for mentioning the St Petersberg Qt issue on Dorian. I will enjoy comparing versions. By the way Dorian was bought by SONO LUMINUS which is a label started by the founders of Cisco. Now distributed under Naxos. I have always appreciated Naxos economical presentations; many of which I have found excellent in all respects. So, it doesn't surprise me the Naxos was well received.
Here's a Decca CD with the Tchaikovsky 1, the Borodin 2, and the Shostakovich 8:

The Lp with the Shostakovich backed by the Borodin should also be easy to find.
Ptss: got a copy of the EMI recording you mention on silver disc headed my way. I'll give it a whirl and let you know what I think to continue this discourse.
Thanks Brownsfan for your considerate reply. Chamber music is my favorite, followed by solo instrument and smaller ensembles. I like to be able to hear the interplay. I see it would have been much more appropriate to just talk of the music. Point 'very' well taken. Thanks for mentioning Frogman, Learsfool and Schubert. Now on to Heinrich. Had never heard of this musical giant. I'll be investigating as new tunes are always welcome. I hope his works are on youtube for sampling.
Ptss I have the specific recording. What prompted me to purchase it was a Academy of St. Martin in the Fields analog recording "The Academy-By Request" I have cherished for years. It is a compliation of works by Handel; JS Bach; Handel and several other Romantic era composers including Borodin. It was the Nocturne from the 2nd Quartet that captivated me on first listen and still does. The Academy recording is a larger string/horn ensemble, not a quartet.

I am somewhat a fan of Borodin probably stemming from hearing early recordings of Kismet as a kid I suppose as my mother loved it. The music is quite beautiful, exotic and mysterious in a way that I hear with some of Rimsky-Korsakov's works. I have numerous recordings of the Polovtsian Dances from Prince Igor, probably his most popular and famous work.
I thought it was a well-known piece. Another movement was pirated to make the pop tune "Baubles, Bangles and Beads."
Regardless, it's a nice piece of music
Personally, I consider it a minor masterpiece forever ruined, for me at least , by the theft of the slow melody for the corny "This is My Beloved" from the musical "Kismet" .

That said, one of the finest sounding chamber CD's I ever heard was the 2nd by the St. Petersburg Qt on the Dorian label. Dorian is defunct but usually can be found used on Amazon.
I haven't heard it but the Naxos version got good reviews in the British press.
I only have one disc of Borodin, his Symphonies 1 & 2. Honestly, I'm with Brownsfan - Borodin is somewhat obscure, and definitely isn't a name I would search for actively with regards to chamber music.

I will, however, look for your subject disc - if I find it, I'll give it a listen.
Ptss, Your post is kind of a mixed bag, in that it deals with both performance quality of a relatively obscure piece, recording quality, and power conditioning. It is not surprising to me that no one responded to a post requesting comments on the effect of power conditioning on a particular recording of a fairly obscure piece of chamber music, not to put to fine of an edge on it. Believe me, I have spent most of my life trying to understand why everyone was looking at me like I had giant lobsters crawling out of my ears, so I feel your pain!

I am a lover of chamber music. I don't own a single recording of any of the Borodin Quartets. I would have expected any comments might have come from some of the more knowledgable members with respect to serious music, i.e, Frogman, Learsfool, or Schubert.

I have only a latent interest in Borodin, stemming principally from his primary occupation as organic chemist. I take your post as a cattle prod to investigate his music further. I will take a look at what is out there and perhaps place some orders.

Do not let the lack of response dissuade you. I would very much love to see more discussion of chamber works on this site. Even better from my point of view would be a sudden surge in interest in the music of Heinrich Schutz!

Darn, there go those lobsters again.
Have I posted this in the wrong area?
Or ?? Is Borodin not that popular?
Or--is it just string quartets...
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