Boston Vinyl?

Heading to Boston next week to tour some universities. I'm going to be near B.C., B.U. and Brandeis.
Can you recommend any good places to hunt used LPs? Looking for rock, 50's&60's jazz, & classical. Cheers,

Nuggets is (and has been for many years) located in Kenmore Square, not far from B.U., and has a decent vinyl selection.
Thanks, I'll bring these notes w/me and get to as many as time allows! Cheers,
This is accurate as of May 06. That was when my wife and I made our used record trip to Boston. Have fun!!

Cheapo Records Boston 645 Mass Avenue, Central Sq, Cambridge 617-354-4455 May 2006

In Your Ear Boston 957 Comm Ave, Boston 617-787-9755 by Paradise Theatre, excellent 5/06

In Your Ear Cambridge 72 Mt. Auburn St, Cambridge 617-491-5035 excellent 5/06

Planet Records Cambridge 54B JFK Street, Hvd Sq, Cambridge 617-492-0693 May 2006

Twisted Village Cambridge 12B Eliot St. Cambridge

Stereo Jack's Cambridge 1686 Mass Ave (Porter Sq) 617-497-9447 FABULOUS 5/06, lots of $1, and good qual.

Newbury Comics Cambridge 36 JFK St, (in Garage) 617-491-0337 mostly new

Mystery Train Records Gloucester 178 Main Street 978-281-8911 did not get there in May 06