Bought some `Vintage Gear`

On a whim and a hunch, I bought some old gear locally. 

Marantz 500 Amp
Marantz 3300 preamp
JBL L200B Speakers

The gear is 46 years be old!!!

It sounds WAY better than I thought. I had a blast tonight. Played it for wife and kids (who think this hobby is rediculous) and they were super impressed.

Anyone every had a similar experience? 

Maybe bc will get a reel to reel next

reciently came across a package deal of 1978 klipschorns, mid 60s McIntosh mc-240s, and mx 110z. really amazing!!! 
"Sansui AU-217"
No wonder you like it. AU-217 is forgotten jewel. In fact, that whole series (X17) was stellar. Climbing up the amplifier ladder will get you even more of the same goodness (417, 517, I would stop there) and would make you even more impressed about how good 217 is. However, as good as these amplifiers are, tuners are in another league. If you ever listen to AM/FM tuner, get TU-717. It is just amazing. Prices have gone up recently but it is still a bargain. Heck, buy it for the looks.
I have tons of vintage gear and get the best results from combining pieces that complement each other for a particular listening purpose like classical, jazz, rock, low volume late night tube sound, etc. What has surprised me the most is the dramatic effect of inserting a single modern piece in with a vintage system such as a preamp, modern cartridge, etc. These combos for me always surpass the all modern system. It takes hours of listening and combination changes to settle in with a system and which for me is a continuous work in process and is the real fun of the hobby.
My current system is a mix of vintage and modern and it sounds awesome! Acoustic Research ES-1, Ortofon 2M Bronze, Ayre C-5xemp disc player, Adcom GFT 555 II, Dynaco SCA-35 (updated and modified), Dynaco ST-70 (updated and modified), Revel performa M20