


Major Downgrade

Major Downgrade

So, I've been at this for awhile and have spend tons of coin on tubes and tube gear along with cabling and single driver speakers. I loved my system. With three little boys growing up fast I decid...

Small Analog & Tube System

Small Analog & Tube System

Excuse the room and equipment "stand." I had this in my office and wanted to hear the system in a larger room with the speakers properly setup. It sounds much better and I'll keep it here for awhile.

Discussions (Showing 5 out of 97)Posts
Why are my posts being removed. 23
SS Amp Designer by Reputation 26
Sting, "Live at the Bataclan" 2
Fan on Amp Unbeatable 27
Bought some `Vintage Gear` 55
Responses (Showing 5 out of 592)Posts
Why are my posts being removed.23
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