Bought the wrong subwoofer!

I was planning to buy a Rel subwoofer but stumbled across a good deal for a SVS sb-2000 pro so I decided to give it a try. Turns out that the the pre-outs on my integrated amp aren’t pre-outs at all but are rec outs (should have put on my glasses). The Svs doesn’t have high level inputs and my amp doesn’t have pre-outs so I’m screwed right? Guess it wasn’t such a great deal after all.


I can’t return the sub because I bought it from the original owner who also bought and didn’t use it. Also don’t have the box.

Call SVS and see if they have a seller/buyer warranty transfer policy. You need the serial number. Power Sound Audio has a seller/buyer warranty transfer policy that’s good for up to 5 years. And SVS has their own policies too and you may be able to return or trade up for one that suits your needs. Wouldn’t hurt to try.

If you can’t return it to SVS, I think they also sell the boxes for their subs for shipping, as this scenario happens all the time and then you can re-sell to anywhere.

Hey - this will fix your problem.I have this on a very high-end system. No issue. OR you can contact Vermouth audio and ask them to make you custom "y" wire.


I guess the old adage applies here; - - -  "you get what you pay for".

There is simply so much information and tech available on the REL website, I'll admit that I'm somewhat shocked that you didn't research before buying. That virtually applies to any and all audio gear. ESPECIALLY a product that you have no reasonable way of auditioning or at least talk to a knowledgeable sales tech, who could easily walk you through the pros and cons before you buy. REL offers so much more than just adding another low frequency octave. REL is arguably, the "best of the breed".