Boulder Amplifiers- Your Comments Please

Am looking at high power/high dollar solid state amps, after years with ARC Reference tube gear. Will retain ARC REF. II Mk.1 Pre-Amp & REF. Phono (like a little tube bloom!) and replace VTM-200 monoblocks. I am particularly interested in comments on Boulder 2060, 2050- I know what the 1060 sounds like and am curious about the 2000 series. Thanks..
Try a search on this topic, there are only a handful of members who have truly spent some time with boulder gear, and all of those folks have shared there opinions more then a few times. ~Tim
Fbhifi knows my opinion! Those who are fortunate enough to own Boulder 1000 or 2000 series products stop flipping their equipment and enjoy the music!

The competition is very limited in this range...Accuphase, Gryphon, EAR, Edge, Levison, Krell, Pass and YBA just to name a few. Some decent and some total jokes for the money but none that offer competition for the 2060 or 2050.

I put my money on the 2060 after having owned or had direct listening experience with all of the above.

The true test is always how many of these products actually show up used in our Audiogon community. In the case of Boulder, the older units show up few and far between and are usually sold in days. Took me 3 days to sell my 250s, 2 days for my 500s and a week for my Ultimate while these other products listing were gathering dust!

Just my 2 cents...everyone enjoy their weekend!
Dinan has a point, but just remember that there's a big difference between 1 percent of 100 units and 1 percent of 10,000 units.