BPT 3.5, Audience aR12, or Equitech 1.5Q?

After years of ignoring this facet of my system(s), I'm finally looking into a quality power conditioner. I've narrowed it down to an Equi=tech 1.5Q or Son of Q, Audience aR12 or possibly ar6-T (little outside budget), or BPT 3.5 or 3.5 Signature. Anybody have experience with 2 or more of these? Please, let's try to keep the discussion to these units. Thanks.
Bigshutterbug, that's a good point. The Audience units come with a powerChord e, which is my cord of choice and used elsewhere in my system. It would be great to hear from somebody who has used an aR6 or aR12 and one of the balanced power units.

Raks, I'm not seeing the info on the newer grounding system for the regular models, but I have read elsewhere of the changes with the T and TS models. Is that what you were referring to?
I`ll defer to you since you have experience with all 3 units. I just assumed the Equitech would be quite similar to my BPT 3.5 Plus(share balanced AC concept) I guess I was wrong.You are right, amplifiers are better with the BPT than when I had them plugged in my wall(dedicated line with 20 amp service).This is true for my 8 watt SET 300b amp as well as my previous 100 watt push-pull tube amps.

Here's part of the Audience May 3, 2010 Press Release that announced the new grounding system I mentioned... "Owners of a previous aR6 or aR6-T can have their power conditioners upgraded to include the new ground plane for $450, and $650 for the aR12 or aR12-T. (Units that have a “G” in the serial number already have the new ground plane.)

If you look at the website picture of the Audience aR6 or the aR12, you'll see what is a copper bar the runs the full width of the unit. That's the new "ground plane".

When you Google the words "Audience Now Shipping Upgraded", you'll get to the full Press Realease.
I just purchased a BPT 3.5 Signature and I agree with all the positive posts. Improved bass, larger stage, more dynamic and the music flows with a natural ease that is very engaging.
Grannyring congratulations! this product is worth every penny.It`s one of the most cost effective audio purchases ever for me.It improves naturalness and realism as well as reducing (significantly) hifi-ish artifacts and character.