What wire did you choose?
Brain fade and a huge thanks to Analogmagik
This is not a plug for Analogmagik as I have no connection to them. However in a moment of idiocy perhaps borne out of being over-medicated I posted my EMT 929 arm to him for a refurb. A day later I spoke to EMT to restore my EMT950 and was told in no uncertain terms to send the arm with the deck to restore to original specs. After having posted the item by Royal Mail in the UK I tried to stop the parcel. This was to no avail neither were my attempts with FedEx who were the international courier. Richard was a true star and headed to FedEx to stopped the item at no doubt great inconvenience to him. I thought I would share this coz he was very kind and gracious about this. It merely heightens my intention to send my FR64 his way and no I’m not gonna cancel that one. Thanks and thanks again