Brass footers for speakers

Interested in comments about the use of brass footers for speakers that sit on carpet. How will their use improve the sound of your speakers?
In terms of optimum materials for cones I suggest the following ranking: NASA grade ceramics, steel and aluminum, brass and finally carbon fiber.
I use custom made stainless steel Soler Points and love them, so that's another option. They can also be had in brass but we all use the steel ones.
As someone who has spiked various speakers for years (including slamming some mini monitors into the ground in the end zone after a touchdown) I discovered the "decoupling" movement after hearing (and liking) a pair of my current brand of main speakers on some Vibrapods in a friend's system. Tired of tiny holes in my floors or little discs under spikes and all that, I decided to try some Vibrapods under the speakers. I like it. It's good. I use some form of sorbothane feet under all my electronics but had never put them under the speakers...Highly recommended, and I don't think you need the expensive versions of these things. This also works on carpet if you put some sort of platform under the rubber-ish pods. It is interesting to see the "very high end" embracing some form of this (Magico Q7s anyone?)...and it flies in the face of convention (hurrah!). The only down side is it could put spike factories out of business thus ruining the lives of many families during the holidays...*sigh*...