brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good

I have got myself in this outlet cover mess recently and decided why not try a solid mid sized brass cover the home depot sells for $4.99. There was a sticker on it that read pegasus. Why not brass. Is not brass good for resanance.

I am in the process of this and will keep posted on results.
I don't doubt there are differences in sound with various materials covering the outlet. The cover plate can be a drum head for vibration, transmitting into the AC connection.

So, depending on how close your speakers are, room construction, type of AC outlet and overall system performance it could make a nice improvement in sound when you swap out the cover.

I've done a number of comparisons and found (magnetic) steel to be the worst and the stock hard plastic ones (found in most homes), acceptable.

However, the soft Nylon covers labeled "unbreakable," the ones that are easily twisted with your fingers, performed best in my system.

Regardless, all these tweaks are CHEAP, generally .69 cents to a few bucks, so your next trip to Home Depot consider buying few to try in your own system. Worst case, you might be inspired to clean your AC plugs male connectors with Caig Gold and replace those old scratched up outlet covers.

Before anyone criticizes wall plates and those that wish to experiment, ask yourself if you've ever bought anything for your home or car because it looked nice and only cost a couple of bucks.

This is supposed to be a fun hobby. No harm in experimenting and showing pride in your music making machine.
I will have to check on the covers that read unbreakable. I was going to go around my house and see if I have anything different. I was not nuts about the plastic pass and seymore, but like you said it was acceptable. I could not deal with the magnetic steel one however

Try the brass next time your at the Depot
just of our curiosity, are you referring to the outlet recepticle (i.e what you plug your power cables into?) if so then i agree with you that outlets do make a difference. I cant understand your findings about the center mounting screw though. any ideas why different levels of tightness makes a difference?
>>I also then messed with the position of the center screw. Having it really tight was like taking the air out of the music. Having it really loose (sticking out slightly) seem to have a bit loss in the focus. Having it tighted just by hand so it is just snug proved to be the winner.<<

This is all a joke right?