
Discussions freemand has started

Anyone with an Oppo been playing Blu ray TV series Madmen?22433
Anyone compare the new Oppo 205 to the NAD M51 Dacs??34861
Theres a firesale of the Modwrights oppo 105 units806227
Advice on buying a used speaker up to 3k400121
Help me spend $3000 on a used amp449426
Looking 4 good lower cost pre amp $300 to $600881821
Minnesota Club of Home Theater....32860
Curious if anyones using numerous Richard Gray 40050527
Furniture polish vs. Walker ultra vivid on cd's612721
HIGH end 7 channel amp1716725
High end fuse box options??39727
Kef ref 104/2 woofers bad, need replacement...30232
Long sub cable thats resonably priced & high end24034
brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good2042251
brass outlet covers...anyone try them? Sound good22750