CD 318 "The last thing they seem to want is an accepted consensus (as you might see in the world of Pro Audio). Hence the endless avoidance of measurement"
1. Re: consensus It is possible that the science behind audio is more mature than other areas of science such as medicine, physics, etc but the history of science is filled with consensus which later turned out to be spectacularly wrong and today’s consensus could be tomorrow’s
"no actually the sun doesn’t revolve around the earth."
I would recommend humility when discussing anything in science as what you know may be wrong tomorrow..
2. RE: measurement Old truism: "Absence of evidence does not equal evidence of absence". Meaning just because you can’t measure it (or have proof that something exists) does not mean it ain’t real. This doesn’t mean there aren’t people selling worthless stuff, it just means you can’t say it is worthless just because there are no measurements.
3. Unrelated to what CD318 said, but worth keeping in mind:
In theory, theory and practice are the same. In practice, they are not.
Meaning in real life all kinds of things happen that you may not have thought of, or that can't be explained by current theory..