breaking in a dac

well, i've finally done it. i bought a boulder 1012, after to listening to my dealer's demo off-and-on for several months. so, my questions (yes, i’ve searched--found nothing on point): (1) does a standalone dac benefit from break-in? (2) if, as i suspect, the answer to #1 is "yes," how best does one do this without scaring the dogs or the neighbors (i.e., do i need to power up my amp and speakers to normal listening levels)? (3) if i need a resistive load, can i jury-rig a device (all inputs and outputs are xlr)? TIA -cfb

BTW, for those sometimes mystified by internet-speak abbreviations, here's a great website primer:

Showing 1 response by tireguy

Geez you got it already! Why jury-rig anything? stay home and listen all day long, after a few days, perhaps you will notice a little improvement-if not then stay a few more days!