Breaking of Furutech's AC connectors...??

Hi dear fellows!Do you know how many hours needs a Furutech AC connector to breaking?I' ve heard something like 150 hours.Is that ok or may be sooner is the breaking time?Any comments will be appreciated.Cheers!Rafael.
Hi Michelzay.I puted the new Furutech FI-11-N1 Gold last week, so they have hardly 20 hours in use.They have gain detail comparing to the first listening.I wonder how much detail and resolution they will get in the next weeks.That why my question about break-in time.I wanted to be sure if they will continue improving in my system.Any other experiences with Furutech connectors will be appreciated.Cheers.Raf
You can't discuss the connectors without mentioning the wire. How can you be sure the connectors are taking so long when it might be the wire? These things are mentioned as if they are independent of the rest of the chain.
Rja.Very clever appreciation.The wire interacts with connectors of course.In my case I use the same old PAD Musaeus wire I`ve been using in my system for a year , so I consider it to have pased the break- in time process, that`s why I asked about the break- in time of connectors.But you are wright, according to what you say these connectors may have different times of break- in depending on the type of wire they are assembled in( metallurgy, if new or used etc)Cheers,Raf
Hello Raf, My experience could be different compared to others. In my case, improvements appeared on frequency edges, details, and sound definition of each instrument, more openness on treble and midrange and more weight on bass.
Chris Vanhaus (vhaudio) suggested perhaps this period of break-in FI-11 might take around 200 hours. In Some sites, some other people mentioned a period of 400 hours and more!!! But I guess this is more likely for Furutech cables than connectors.

Up to ~180 hours, I used a NEMA to IEC adapter with a small ventilator for break-in period. I thought the sound would be perfect but afterward ( >220-250 hours) I heard more refinement, especially on instrument placement on stage, more smooth transition on frequency bands and more treble registers appearing on music.
Hope this would help.
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