Breaking of Furutech's AC connectors...??

Hi dear fellows!Do you know how many hours needs a Furutech AC connector to breaking?I' ve heard something like 150 hours.Is that ok or may be sooner is the breaking time?Any comments will be appreciated.Cheers!Rafael.
I'm getting both the furutech GTX-D Rhodium and the Gold, I will report my findings after 500 hours of burn-in on the two different versions, cheers.
Hi audiolabyrinth.Thanks for your comment.Your's will be a very interesting post.I will be waiting for it.I'll write further conclusions reaching the 200 hous of use.Cheers!Raf.
Hi Rafael0054, What do you think I should do first?, The Furutech GTX-D Rhodium I am buying from a good friend brand new in sealed box never used or burn-in on a cable burner, The Gold version I am buying from Chris there at vh-audio cooked on his burner for 6 days, which version do I need to install for my modded krell 700cx solid state amp first?, The Rhodium will take atleast 500 and more to burn-in, where as the Gold will only have to take 100 to 200 hours and it is done, I am thinking do the Rhodium first, Chris there at vh-audio gave me a gurantee, that If I wanted to exchange the Gold for Rhodium he would free of charge, However, one of these two outlets will be going on my tube digital, the most important is the amp first, because I will be installing my single pole 30 amp breaker for the amp, so I have to have the best built Recepticle in the world to take spikes over 23 to 25 amps, my amp puts out 6,000 watts total max power!, weighs in at a whopping 180 pounds out of the box!, she is a beast!, tired of flipping the current 20 amp breaker, LOL!, I like to push the volume some times to concert level, He, He, Ha.
Hi Audiolabyrinth.Yes!!! she is a beautiful beast indeed.Congrats!!!I will take Chris proposal.You can try gold first, listen to carefully and if something doesn`t convince you then you can exchange it for a rhodium version.My criteria is that Krell has a lot of resolution by nature, so maybe a gold receptacle could add this velvety character,roundness and musicality.I don`t know which your taste is, but if you want bigger voices, warmness and presence, gold is an excellent option.As an example speaking of AC connectors, I have a Krell kav 300cd and rhodium didn`t work in it, voices sounded restrained, with too much control, any engaging listening at all.It was a collection of details with zero musicality.I put then the gold AC connectors and it works amazingly, bigger voices, depth in soundstage,warmness and accurate detail as well.A friend of mine has a krell MD-10 transport and the same rhodium AC connectors didn`t worked also.Then he installed Gold ones and it sounded beautifully and now he can enjoy long hours of listening jazz with a cup of hot cofee in his hands.So if this criteria of AC connectors applies to receptacle outlets, I would take gold first.In the end your ears will tell what to get.Hope this help!Cheers!Raf
I agree with Rafae10054's suggestion. Sounds like a good plan to me. If you
decided you did not like the gold, I'd be tempted to just keep it for future
use in a different location or on a different piece of equipment.
I'm currently burning in a Furutech GTX-D Rhodium on my Audiodharma
Cable Cooker.