Bricasti M1 DAC vs PS Audio Direct Stream DAC

I own a PS Audio Direct Stream DAC that I like a lot but heard my friends system with the Bricasti M1 and I am strongly thinking of changing my DAC and would love your feedback from other members that have heard either or both. I know they are both great but really thinking of changing my Dac from PS Audio Direct Stream to the Bricasti M1 DAC. I use a HP Desk top computer as source with Jplay and JRiver Media 19 and the outstanding Tellurium Q BLACK DIAMOND Reference USB Cable. The rest of my system is below. I listen to Classic Rock, jazz, vocal, some modern music and the usual audiophile stuff.


My system for reference.

Ascendo C-8 Renaissance Speakers (Germany) Monitor
Purist Audio Design Corvus Praesto Revision 2.5m Bi-Wire Speaker cable
Cardas Clear Interconnect 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Darwin TRUTH Pure Silver Reference 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Darwin TRUTH Pure Silver Reference 1 Meter RCA Interconnect
Audio Research REFERENCE 1 w/Rhodium IEC/NOS Tubes Tube preamp
Decware ZSTAGE External Triode Output StageTelefunken ECC801S
PS Audio Direct Stream DSD DAC w/ Bridge DA converter
Tellurium Q BLACK DIAMOND Reference USB Cable
PS Audio PerfectWave PowerBase Vibration Cancelation/AC Condtioner
Conrad Johnson Premier 12 Mono's 140 Watts Tung-Sol KT120's amps
PS Audio PowerPlant Premier AC Regenerator
BMI Shark Pure Jeweler Grade Platinum AC Power Cable
Sablon Audio Petite Corona 2.0M AC Power Cable
Mad Scientist PC-NEO with Power Purifier AC Power Cable
JPS Labs The Power AC+ 2M AC Power Cable
Synergistic Research Labs Tesla Series SE T1 AC Power Cable
Synergistic Research Labs Tesla Series T1 AC Power Cable
PS Audio Noise Harvester (5) Converts noise to light
OYAIDE RI Beryllium Power Outlets (2)
Hubbell Outlet 5362/5262 Deep Cryo Process
Blue Circle Audio The Yalu Balula Industrial Surge/Spike Protection
JPLAY v5.2 hi-end audio player turns PC into a digital transport.
JRiver Media Center 19 Music Software
128x128Ag insider logo xs@2xfsmithjack
Cool! I had a hunch but I wanted to draw you in with my post to see if I get a confirmation from you.
Cheers! J.

I'm sorry but the facts show that your statements are totally inaccurate.

1. This is from the Stereo Times review that lauds Paul McGowan and Ted Smith:

"... DirectStream represents a new benchmark in audio reproduction ..."

2. This is from John Darko's Digital Audio Review:

"... the DirectStream ... takes the listener to an altogether different digital audio realm both in its creative circuit design and its sumptuous sound ... I've put my money where my mouth is: I've purchased the DirectStream review unit ... I think that speaks for

3. This is from Vade Forrester's review in The Absolute Sound:

"It’s easily the best DAC I’ve heard in my system, making digitally-recorded music sound better than I’ve ever heard it."

4. This is from David Robinson's review in Positive Feedback:

"This is a brilliant design, with exceptional execution, and paradigm-setting sound."

5. This is from Art Dudley’s review in Stereophile:

“… for those who've waited for a computer-friendly DAC that offers, with every type of music file, the best musicality of which DSD is capable, the PerfectWave DirectStream may be in a class by itself.”

6. This is from Karl Sigman’s Audiophilia review:

“The DS is a game changer … The DS gets my highest recommendation; hats off and a bow to PS Audio.”

IMHO it is unfortunate you did not get your facts straight first before commenting on the DirectStream DAC.

So many great comments and suggestions here. Thanks to all I look forward to responding to each of them when I have a little more time but for now I have to at least tell Ricred1 that you are very welcome and I am glad my comments in any small way may have helped you make a component buying decision that worked well for you. That makes me happy.

That is what this is all about. Helping and looking out for one an other and learning collectively about this great hobby of ours.

The M1 is flat out a killer DAC and then some and of course I am sure there "maybe" a couple better out there but not many and to get better you are going to spend a lot more money for what I am confident to say will not have the performance increase that is commensurate with the added cost but heck better is better and that's that. No excuses. This is the big leagues. The main reason I am happy about the new Berkeley is that it is close enough (approx double the retail price) that it will probably have Brian tweaking away to come up with a free or dirt cheap hardware or software upgrade for his owners that he offer to us for dirt cheap or even free that will close the gap or maybe even surpass it. I love that about Bricasti. They improve this unit and sell more of these rather then offering new ones. It helps us and him!!

Gotta decide on a tube sounding new amp for my Bricasti M1 with driver grip and power but tuby for sure. Thanks for the current suggestions and please keep em coming again I will respond when I have some time :) Thanks !!!
Sabai, I have read all those reviews previously.

You are taking one or two lines out of context. You need to read an entire review to get a sense of whether a reviewer REALLY thinks a product is 'thar best evar' or whether they are going through the motions. It's a subjective thing, and I know enough of the politics to see the praise was well tempered.

To put this in context, I'm not saying the DS is not a fantastic sounding DAC, its perhaps just not the price to performance breakthrough it was claimed to be, just a great DAC for 6k. The fact that DAC's only just above its price bracket are competing and beating is proof enough.