Bricasti M3 In the house

Just got a Bricasti M3 with the Ethernet renderer module. Looking forward to breaking this piece in. First impressions are: it’s a winner. I am curious what ways folks who have this DAC (or other Bricasti models) run it; over ethernet or USB? I will report my findings as the days tick by; Right now it’s cooking on ethernet out of my InnuOs Zenith MKIII into an ether-regen into the M3;
FedEx just dropped off an M3 30 minutes ago. I'm very excited to ditch USB and have the rendering done in the M3, more tomorrow.

I see that Bricasti M3 page now says DSD 256 over DoP. Does this mean they've updated their digital input board? I also don't get how DSD 256 can be supported over DoP.

Also, does anyone know whether M3 volume control is active or passive?

@radiohead99 the M3 volume control is analog. The manual says range is -90 to +6 dB so I’m thinking there is an active stage;

256 dsd is 4x the normal 64DSD sample rate, correct? So the interface can easily handle the bitrate;

Wonderful to hear such glowing comments:-) on my listen to list for sure :-)
best to all
enjoy the music
and keep us updated as things break in
Two days ago I submitted my review on the M3 to my editor at Stereo Times. I don't know exactly when it will go up on the website, but hopefully in the next couple of weeks. I'm sure you M3 owners will enjoy what I have to say about the M3 and readers will be able to understand why this is a very special DAC, indeed.