Bricasti M3 In the house

Just got a Bricasti M3 with the Ethernet renderer module. Looking forward to breaking this piece in. First impressions are: it’s a winner. I am curious what ways folks who have this DAC (or other Bricasti models) run it; over ethernet or USB? I will report my findings as the days tick by; Right now it’s cooking on ethernet out of my InnuOs Zenith MKIII into an ether-regen into the M3;
@gianlucanegro, The preamp TJ compared to was his CODA 07x. I compared my M3 with and w/o my VAC Sig IIa 2 box tube pre in my system, direct is a touch more detailed, tonal balance slightly leaner, and soundstage not as huge, add in the Sig IIa and lose a smidge of detail, gain more meat on the bones, and stage expands slightly. I thoroughly enjoy the M3 direct, listening to the system that way 75% of the time, for critical listening doing a review I add in the Sig IIa for a shot of tube deliciousness.
Thank you!

I had your same "impressions" when I listened the "LEEDH volume" (full digital preamplification on a Lumin device) vs my Ayre K1-Xe.

I’m the opposite. For critical listening / going ‘all in’ listing to a live performance, is when I use mine straight to amp. And use my preamp when that extra fullness and soundstage size is wanted over the less colored and more detailed presentation. 

Enjoying the M3 w/network card .  Will the Melco n100 push DSD local files over the network to the Bricasti ? Trying yo avoid USB. Any other suggestions around the +- 2k figure.

Just upgraded my speaker cabling to Townshend Fractal F1. The Bricasti sounds like a whole new player. Also went from single ended Cerious Matrix to Iconoclast  top of the line XLR for a nice bump.

Really excited to hear DSD files. Best I can do is send them DoP from an Oppo 103 thru SPDIF. Not exactly ideal.

Any suggestions would be appreciated.




The Bricasti M3 is in my budget but I will use the the DAC with a transport for playing CD's only.  No streaming!  Just CD play back.   Are there any other Dacs in the $5k - $6k range I should be looking at?  Yes I will contact Mike when I am ready.