Bridge Device/Music Storage

I'm trying to determine the best way to store my music to minimize dropouts during playback, either through ITunes/Airport or another bridge method. I will use an external raid 1 configured drive for storage and backup. I will be using a Bel Canto DAC between the bridge and my pre-amp. Any suggestions how best to configure the bridge setup, music server, cabling, etc? I find that I do get dropout occasionally when playing Itunes streamed to an airport express.

Showing 2 responses by blindjim

if you are using a MAC I've no clue...

On PC....

Perhaps more RAM would help.

I found with other media players that allow for changes in the buffering of tracks or streams, this drop out issue is vanquished.

With itunes it seems unavoidable on the windows platform, although my Vista laptop does better than xp & XP Pro desktops. The desktops have 1.25Gig and 2.0 gig or DDR RAM and the lap has 3gig.

Reducing the other apps running in the background helps too. So does use of the mini player option.

yeah.. through put speed is important too.

Another media player can halt those drop outs... check out the free J River Jukebox audio media player. In it's tool section, you can adjust the buffer and overcome your issues I suspect... well, it's free anyways, so why not try it?